Industrial Experience

Platform Engineer
Jun 2024 – Present San Diego, CA, USA
Summer internship during MS @UC Irvine.
The Clinician
DevOps Engineer
Sep 2022 – Aug 2023 New Zealand

Engaged by Brainstation-23 in a strategic outsourcing arrangement to contribute to The Clinician’s DevOps team. Key responsibilities-

  • Used Kubernetes to orchestrate, auto scale & deploy containerized apps in enterprise-level microservices in over 20+ clusters.
  • Created dashboards and alerts in Grafana to provide real-time insights into application health to enhance proactive identification and resolution of issues.
  • Automated e2e cloud infrastructure (AWS) provisioning and config management using Terraform, fully eliminating manual operations, ensuring consistent deployment across environments
  • Automated routine tasks using Python, Bash & AWS Lambda to improve operational efficiency
DevOps Engineer
Jul 2022 – Aug 2023 Dhaka

Collaborated with multiple clients (Oslofjord, Persomic, Fitsomnia, Kortfilm) for their DevOps needs. Key responsibilities-

  • Designed & maintained CI/CD pipelines using Github actions, GitLab CI/CD & Azure DevOps for reproducible builds across development, testing, and production environments.
  • Enhanced system security by implementing DevSecOps practices using tools like Sonarqube & trivy
  • Became the primary contact for incident response and server outage mitigation in the team.
Associate Software Engineer
Mar 2021 – Jun 2022 Dhaka

Part of TEQ/Ferdia team and collaborating with many other teams. Key responsbilities-

  • Contributed over 20+ features and bug fixes in Python/Django applications.
  • Configured and managed several AWS services, including EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, VPC, IAM, EKS.
  • Actively discussed with cross-border clients/teams to discuss/negotiate project functionalities.
Jan 2018 – Jun 2018 Dhaka
Worked as a backend developer with .NET Core and Angular. Developed a chatbot creation platform for Facebook pages.
Glitra Bangladesh
Requirement Analyst
Mar 2017 – May 2017 Banani, Dhaka
Worked as a requirement analyst for an ERP software to be developed for the Department of Military Lands & Cantonments, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka Bangladesh.
SoftCell Solution Ltd
Requirement Analyst
Oct 2016 – Nov 2016 Banani, Dhaka
Prepared an SRS documentation for automating activities of the Law firm- The Legal Sanctuary, Bijoynagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.