Useful f-string Techniques in Python
Jun 20, 2021
1 min read

Python f-strings are super useful for formatting strings. Before python 3.6 str.format() were used. But f-strings makes string manipulation much more easier and effective.
0. The simplest way to use f-strings
name = "John"
print("Hello {name}")
# >> "Hello John"
1. Equals debugging
num = 5
print("value is {num}") # value is 5
print("value is {num=}") # value is num=5
print("value is {num%2=}") # value is num%2=1
2. Formatting
num_int = 123456789
print(f"{num_int:,d}") # 123,456,789
num_float = 12.3456
print(f"{num_float:.2f}") # 12.35
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
print(f"{now=:%Y-%m-%d}") # now=2021-07-27
3. Padding
x = 'test'
print(f"{x:>10}") # " test"
print(f"{x:*<8}") # "test****"
print(f"{x:=^8}") # "==test=="
# For dynamic padding length
x, n = 'test', 10
print(f"{x:~^{n}}") # '~~~test~~~'
4. Base conversion
a = 42
print(f"{a:c}") # ascii => '*'
print(f"{a:x}") # hex => '2a'
print(f"{a:X}") # HEX => '2A'
print(f"{a:o}") # octal => '52'
print(f"{a:b}") # binary => '101010'
print(f"{a:010b}") # combined with padding => '0000101010'
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