The Curse of a Good Domain Name

We always want a good domain name for our websites, right? The qualities that make a domain good are:
- Short name
- Easy to remember
- Easy to spell
- Have a .com extension
- Doesn’t have hyphens/numbers
But sometimes, having all of these together may come at a price.
Last week I got a call from my cousin who works at a private company. That company has a website that is managed by some software firm. It’s a simple website in terms of functionality, nothing complicated. Since opening their website, one year has passed and they needed to renew their domain and hosting.
So, she basically called me to consult what would be a fair renewal charge for everything combined. The renewal costs the software firm asking was too high and her company couldn’t afford to spend that much money.
From whatever understanding I had about their system, I said that it should be around $50.
She said, they are asking $4100.
My immediate response was that they were overcharging and she should not accept this charge in no way. She asked for my assistance in renewing their domain and servers.
So I surf around a few domain-selling sites. However, whichever site I visited, the asking price of the domain was too damn high. All of the sites were asking for $3895.
I had never seen such a high price for domains.
So apparently there is something called premium domains. They are short, catchy and have all the qualities of a good domain. But they also come at a price, a price so high that many cannot afford.
For this particular domain, the prefix “to”, postfix “institute” and “.com” extension all together seemed to be the reason for being premium as explained by most of the domain sellers.
Note that, they did not buy this domain at this price for the first year. Now that they cannot afford this domain anymore, all their valuable traffic would be lost.
So, be careful folks. Don’t fall in the trap of buying premium domains. And if you’re buying them, make sure you can afford it.
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