DSSE: A Software Engineering Research Group in Bangladesh

Jun 19, 2019 · 3 mins read
DSSE: A Software Engineering Research Group in Bangladesh

If you want to know about research areas in Software Engineering and conferences/journals related to software engineering then this article is for you.

The Distributed Systems and Software Engineering (DSSE) group at the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) is an active group dedicated to Software Engineering research. The group was formed in Bangladesh in 2012 with a few members. Currently, it is a large group consisting of members all around the world.

Here is what the group has achieved over the years.

Explored around 25 areas of software engineering

Areas explored in software testing

  1. Test Coverage
  2. Test Case Auto-Generation
  3. Performance Testing
  4. Software Defect Prediction
  5. Test Case Prioritization
  6. Bug Triage
  7. Bug Localization

Areas explored in cloud computing

  1. Cloud Security
  2. Fault Tolerance
  3. Resource Optimization

Other areas explored

  1. Mobile Application
  2. Automated Program Repair
  3. Sentiment Analysis in Software Engineering
  4. Code Refactoring
  5. Comment Refactoring
  6. Code Clone
  7. Code Search
  8. Code style
  9. Code Smell
  10. Project management
  11. Resource Provisioning
  12. Static/Dynamic Analysis

The following chart shows the number of publications in each research area (as of April 2019).

DSSE Research Domains

Conferences and Journals

DSSE publishes its findings in both conferences and journals. However, publications in conferences are more preferred. This is because software engineering is very dynamic and thus concepts and ideas can change rapidly. Since the review processes of journals are generally longer than conferences, it may occur that by the time a paper is published in a journal, the concept has lost its shine. The review process of conferences are usually shorter (3-5 months) and thus preferred. The following shows the percentage of conferences and journals DSSE has published in.

DSSE Journals and Conferences

Renowned conferences that DSSE has published papers in

  1. ICSE - International Conference on Software Engineering (A* ranked. The most famous conference in software engineering)
  2. APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
  3. SANER - Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
  4. ENASE - Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering)
  5. SEKE - Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
  6. ICSEA - International Conference on Software Engineering Advances

Conferences have ranks. The highest rank achievable is A*. Then A rank, B rank, and C rank.

Other conferences that have published DSSE papers

  1. ICCIT - International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
  2. Programming - International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming
  3. CDUD - Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data
  4. ICIEV - International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision
  5. INTECH - International Conference on Innovative Technologies
  6. HPCS - High Performance Computing Systems Conference
  7. ICEMIS - International Conference on Data Science, E-learning and Information Systems
  8. SKIMA - Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications
  9. ICAEE - International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering
  10. ICICCT - International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies
  11. ICASERT - International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology
  12. ECCE - Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering

Journals we have published in

  1. IJCA - International Journal of Computer Applications
  2. IJSETA - International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications
  3. IJWA - International Journal of Web Applications
  4. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science
  5. IJIPSI - International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity
  6. AIST - Automated and Intelligent Software Testing.
  7. IJCC - International Journal of Cloud Computing
  8. JUJIT - JU Journal of Information Technology
  9. IJCCBS - International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems
  10. IJAST - International Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Publications over the years

The chart below shows the number of papers DSSE has published. Over the years the number of publications is increasing. 2019 is not finished yet and we have some great papers being prepared for submission. So count for 2019 should increase.

DSSE publications throughout the years

So that’s a little bit about DSSE. If you want to reach out to us you can contact me. Cheers!

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