Most Useful VScode Shortcuts

Jan 27, 2020 · 1 min read
Most Useful VScode Shortcuts

VScode is my go-to editor now, but I keep forgetting all the nice shortcuts and commands. This article is a cheat sheet for me to look back when I forget my favorite ones.

VScode has different key bindings for each OS. Although most of the following should be general, if any of them isn’t working, the full bindings are available here for Linux, Windows, MacOS.


Ctrl + X          Cut line (no need for selection)  
Ctrl + C          Copy line (no need for selection)   
Alt + ↓/↑         Move line up/down                 
Ctrl + /          Toggle line comment               
Ctrl + Shift + I  Format document
Ctrl + .          Quick fix                         
F12               Rename symbol                     
Ctrl + H          Find and Replace                  


F11           Full screen
Ctrl + B      Toggle sidebar
Ctrl + K V   Show markdown preview to the side
Ctrl + K Z   Open Zen mode
Ctrl + \      Split editor. Change pane with Ctrl + 1,2,3...
Ctrl + `      Show terminal (backtick)
Ctrl + G             Go to line
Ctrl + Alt/Shift + - Navigate back/Navigate forward
Ctrl + P             Quick open. Go to file...
Ctrl + K Z          Open Zen mode (full screen editor with no disrtactions)
Ctrl + T             Show all symbols
Ctrl + Shift + O     Go to symbol


F8             Go to next error/warning
F9             Toggle breakpoint
F5             Start/continue
F11/Shift+F11  Step into/out

Missed any nice shortcuts I should be using? Comment down below.

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