Metasploit is the ultimate penetration testing tool for offensive security. And it’s so easy to use that even you could ...
Nmap is a CLI based port scanner. As modern networking relies heavily on TCP ports, scanning these ports can expose valu...
In the previous blog post we deployed an nginx container with 3 replicas. Replicas allows us to upscale an application a...
A typical Kubernetes workflow follows the following steps- Write code Containerize app Send to container registry Deploy...
A simple guide/tutorial on how to write technical documentations for software engineers.
Pods in Kubernetes are volatile. That means if a pod crashes or restarts then the data stored previously is lost. Volume...
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. It is used to help containers in a cluster communicate between them in...
What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is an open source platform for running cloud native apps Its a layer over Vms and provide...
Metrics, Logs and Traces (MLT) are the three pillars of monitoring that can give us complete observability of a system. ...