7 Funny Github Repos that will Make You Laugh

Call me a nerd, but I find GitHub repositories to be entertaining. Here are some of my favorite ones that truly made me LOL. You don’t need to run any code or that sort of stuff. Just go through the READMEs.
1. hacker-scripts
This is a story about a guy who left his job. His colleagues go through his legacy and found things they never imagined they would find.
2. nocode
Go through the README. You’ll know the best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
3. DeepCreamPy
This guy should be awarded for his creativity. Hmm… never thought deep learning could be used this way.
4. Fetlang
I’ve seen many programming languages before, but I was not prepared to see this. Fetlang is an esoteric language (a language built for fun and not any real purpose). I laughed for quite a while after seeing this. Do check out their sample codes.
5. parrot.live
Run the following in the terminal in the terminal and move with the groove.
curl parrot.live
6. Cloud to Butt
Wtf! A chrome extension that replaces “the cloud” with “my butt”? Wtf!
FOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off. That’s one service I didn’t know I needed. You can see their documentation here at foaas.com.
8. DevJoke
Tired of dad jokes? Here are some DEV jokes.
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